Thursday 9 January 2014

If on a winters night a story teller passes by

Forest Kids Tuesday 17/12/13

On this dark and chilly evening Sonia the storyteller came to Forest Kids. She came to tell us stories. While some of us put up our new shelter others collected sticks for the fire. 
Some people poured out muller juice and wine from flasks and soon everyone had a warm drink and was settling down under the tarp in the dusk light and turning on lanterns.

Sonia started her tales. She opened with a song "Let your little light shine", and very quickly she had very one singing along and doing the actions. Lots of big and little voices ringing out across the park in the dark singing of lights and home.

Even as it started to rain we sat toasty in our warm jackets, hats and gloves under our shelter while Sonia stood in the wet and beguiled us with her stories. It was amazing to see the kids so enraptured by the stories. No screens, no props just a voice weaving yarns of fairies with needles made of sunlight and devils in Ice-cream parlours being out witted by fish ladies. 

It was a truly magical evening and Sonia the story teller has promised to come back when it snows to tell us more tales of the winter and polar bears. What a wonderful end to a year of great outdoor adventures and we look forward to this new year with its longer days and the coming of spring. (Even if it may be a few months yet).

You can see a video of Sonia at Forest Kids here.

This is her website too: